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The start of Gemma & Clover friendship

Gemma 1st met my mum Willow when she came to where she lived, Gemma was there to collect 2 other shetland ponies that needed rehoming as they had become surplus stock & were going to be put to sleep (Gemma & her family have been rescuing & finding forever homes for horse/ponies/ goats & other animals for many years)

Gemma spotted Willow in a small paddock on her own with her mum and asked the owner why they were separate. Was told that Willow was attacked by a stallion which resulted in her being no good for what the owner had in mind as she had received facial injuries (she was going to be used for in-hand showing at a very high level).after catching Gemma's eye they instantly were friends. Gemma's dad knew she wasn't going to leave this one behind!! So a deal was made to take all 3 Shetlands for re-homing. However Gemma sweet talked her dad and willow stayed longer than expected. The family worked with her to build her confidents back up (she was very nervous of both people & other horses)it did take awhile for this to happen & after a few weeks of constantly talking, walking, grooming & bonding with people & other animals she slowly regained not just her confidents but abit of a cheeky playful side as well. She now has a very laid back manner & loves nothing more than being made a big fuss of & has gone on to do local in-hand showing with Gemma which they have won a number of rosettes.

Due to unforeseen ill health Gemma became unable to care for willow and so she was rehomed to some friends whilst Gemma recovered, They continued to build Willows confidence & social training where she had a lovely time with their miniature ponies and Shetlands. When Gemma was well again Willow came back to help her continue to recover and enjoy each others company.

After being back with us, Gemma's mum noticed that Willow was putting on a lot of weight & her shape was also changing, mum said she was pregnant which the rest of us laughed at but as the vet was due that week we decided to have her checked out. It did turn out that mum was right & Willow was expected to give birth within a couple of months. That's where my (Clover) story begins.


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